Monday, May 17, 2010

Poking fun at atheists

He Lives publishes a splendid blog.

In a recent post, the author pokes fun at on-line atheists. On-line atheists poke fun at Christians, of course. He Lives is referring, for example, to this post by (He Lives says -- I don't follow that blog) an atheist advocate. He might also be referring to Richard Dawkins, except that Dawkins doesn't have much of an on-line presence. By fun, I mean that He Lives points out logical inconsistencies, and clear bias.

For an example of what He Lives is pointing out, he says that Ken Ham, of Answers in Genesis, is lampooned by atheists as being an ignoramus, or some such. But these same atheists sometimes propose that Ham's interpretation of Genesis One must be taken seriously, as representative of exactly what all Christians believe. Why, if Ham is so dumb?

Thanks for reading.


  1. well, actually, the difference between Ham and your average christian is that Ham seeks to provide evidence to believe in Genesis. Most christians I know that believe in a literal interpretation of genesis don't try and reconcile it with reality.
    For example, my wife believes bad things always come in threes. And that stays in the back of her mind when things start to go wrong.
    She would never, for example, suggest that we not take a trip because two bad things have happened and we are waiting for the third.
    When you take your belief and try and convince others of it through logic, you bring yourself under special consideration (as opposed to just keeping it as a personal belief), especially when that belief contradicts an awful lot of facts.

  2. Thanks, moleboy. That's an interesting way to look at Ken Ham. And, yes, what he believes is in contradiction to a lot of facts.
