Monday, May 10, 2010

Probable effects of the Gulf oil spill

Wired has a good article on the likely effects of the gulf oil spill. There will be some, and long-lasting ones, too, on wildlife, and probably on humans. Too bad.


  1. I've been thinking about the effects - - - starting with how the plankton will react and going right down the food chain.

    I've also been listening hopefully to the box-containment idea. Seems like it could be a win-win if it would contain AND allow the oil to be siphoned off. However - - - the last thing I heard was that the oil was freezing up into a slush and plugging the opening in the top of the box - - -

  2. I think the only thing that's worked so far is burning the stuff, and that hasn't worked very well.

    Thanks, Keetha.
