Thursday, October 07, 2010

The Second Law of Thermodynamics: Visual Representation

Order and disorder

An attempt to show order and disorder. Order, above, means that entities are not randomly distributed, but that they are concentrated. That makes them easier to use -- to hunt for, or mine for, for example.

Any closed system tends to have disorder increase. Eventually, everything will be distributed randomly throughout. We say, also, that entropy has increased, in such a situation. The only way to restore order is to do work on the system, that is, to use external energy.

Thanks for looking!


  1. And when entropy increases around my home, it is MY external energy required to restore order - - -

  2. Our lives are one long battle against increasing entropy. Only sometimes we join the other side ...


  3. And when entropy increases around my home, it is MY external energy required to restore order - - -
