Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sunspots 323

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

Science: Fox News reports on a nasty weed that's increasing its range.

And, speaking of weeds, the wide use of "Roundup Ready" crops, and spraying them generously with Roundup, has led (surprise!) to selection for Roundup resistant weeds, according to Wired.

Politics: (or something) NPR reports that adding more lanes, and widening roads, leads to more traffic.

Computing: How green is Cloud Computing? Not as green as it ought to be, according to Greenpeace. Twitter is particularly non-green.

Image source (public domain)


  1. That giant hog weed is a "cousin" to thr wild parsnip that burned my ankles a year ago.

    NASTY stuff.

    I've noticed wild parsnip "taking over" in central Wisconsin too.

  2. Oh. Evidently we have (so far) been spared these two in Upstate SC. But we have kudzu and poison ivy, of course.

    Thanks, Keetha!
