Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sunspots 333

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

Science: Wired reports that on-line gamers have significantly assisted scientists in solving the three-dimensional structure of a protein. The research paper is here.

Politics:  (or something) CNN reports on a study that attempts to explain why some store clerks can seem rude.

Computing: Google created a doodle in honor of Jim Henson, creator of the Muppets.

Christianity: The Dead Sea Scrolls are now visible on-line.

Image source (public domain)


  1. atlibertytosaySeptember 29, 2011

    I faced the rude clerk syndrome this week.

  2. I'm not sure I've ever encountered one. I've encountered a lot of nice ones, and some that weren't quite that nice.
