Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Sunspots 346

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

Science:  Fox News, and many other entities, report on the discovery of two earth-sized planets, circling a star about 950 light-years from us.

National Public Radio reports that birds living in cities have adjusted the pitch of their songs, so as to be more easily heard by other birds.

Sports: Wired reports on how a type of swimsuit enabled swimmers to set many records.

Politics: National Public Radio reports than, in Oregon, at least, bloggers may not automatically be journalists -- a blogger was assessed a huge fine by a court, for defamation of character.

Image source (public domain)


  1. The birds changing song (and pitch of their song) is something the Creation Museum demonstrates as "quick evolution" - they also show dogs changing color as they become more docile in just 4 generations (less than 4 years).

  2. Selection is an effective mechanism.

