Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Sunspots 373

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:
Science: (or medicine) Some surgeons in training are using clementines (the fruit -- a relative of oranges and tangerines) to practice surgery on, says National Public Radio. It's not as crazy as it sounds.

The Arts: Wired reports that you can have your DNA, or the results of testing on your DNA, turned into a work of art.

Computing: Google is offering a free power searching short course, with six fifty minute classes, beginning in a few days. If you (or I) complete the course, we get a certificate.

National Public Radio reports that Orbitz, the hotel room web site, shows Apple users more expensive options than those logging on with other devices. Other reports document the same phenomenon, from other on-line retailers.

Christianity: Ken Schenck has written a fine article on the four fold sense of scripture.

Image source (public domain)


  1. Liberty High offered a Google Apps course last year. The course covered a wide range of Google's offerings. It provides word processing and a spreadsheet at no cost.

  2. Yes, Google is trying to become the one-and-only way to compute.

    Thanks, Fred.

  3. Yes, Google is trying to become the one-and-only way to compute. Thanks, Fred.
