Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Sunspots 377

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

Science:  Wired reports on giant fossilized sperm -- from water fleas.

Sports: Wired on the massive anti-drug use efforts at the Olympics.

Computing: Gizmo's Freeware tells us that you can use Skype to let someone in another location see your computer's desktop. This may help in solving computer problems.

Christianity: Ken Schenck has been posting on interpreting the Bible. In a recent post in his series, he wrote: "For example, we have no reason to believe that the Parable of the Prodigal Son or the Parable of the Good Samaritan ever actually happened.  They are parables, not historical stories. Yet they are as true as any history book."

Image source (public domain)


  1. I kind of disagree with the premise in the linked "Christianity" …

    The Disciples and authors of the gospels were chosen BECAUSE of their perspective. Jesus (God) knew which 12 (+ other authors) would be chosen.

    Jesus finds, He does not search.

    Also, I look at the parables to be like some of the quips at the sermon on the mount.

    Jesus spoke in one retort, "I say you remove the plank from your own eye before removing the splinter from the eye of your brother."

    Obviously, this didn't happen.

    Jesus was the word! By speaking it, it became both HIS STORY and history.

    Many of the parables though could be true and I'd even venture to say, most likely, were ~ that's why people could relate to them.

    Jesus, quipped another time, "If you had the faith of a mustard seed you could tell that mountain to move and it would move from it's place."

    Seeing since Moses had faith and parted the waters of a sea, I would say, it's not impossible that a man in history has moved a mountain. You could even argue that a builder has had a dream at some time in history and "blown up" a mountain to build on flat land in a certain spot. He had the faith that it could be done, where he wanted it done.

    I think we venture down a dangerous path when we start to doubt the accuracy or the historical validity of the Bible. If one story is taken as untrue - the story of Abraham sacrificing his son becomes doubtful and the likes of Moses's miracles become unlikely as well. That could lead to a false perception that maybe God wasn't talking about my sin we he said this or that.

  2. One other comment … I wasn't quite understanding the "meaning to me now" argument either.

    The Bible is timeless.

    "The meaning to me now" argument is a dangerous path of interpretation as well. I often see sin justified that is clearly spelled out in the Bible by saying, "That was for people back then, you eat pork, right?"

  3. "I think we venture down a dangerous path when we start to doubt the accuracy or the historical validity of the Bible."

    True, but it's also a dangerous path to take a part of the Bible (such as most or all of Revelation) that was not meant to be taken literally and argue for its historical accuracy.

    As to the parables, Jesus seems to have been saying, "Let me tell you a story . . ." They were plausible, but I don't think there's any evidence that they were actual occurrences. On the other hand, the story of Abraham and Isaac is presented as historical fact.

    Thanks for your thoughts.

    I would recommend that you read Schenck's entire series. There are links in the post I linked to, I believe.
