Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sunspots 380

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:
Science: Yes, amphibians (frogs and such) have recently taken some big hits. But Wired reports that several new species have recently been found.
The Arts: Wired has a gallery of artists' conceptions of humans exploring Mars.

Computing: I was amazed to read that a court has ruled that "liking" on Facebook is not protected as free speech. According to Fox News, this will be appealed.

Christianity: (or philosophy) Ken Schenck has a brief, but excellent post (11 lines long!) on the relationship between objectivity and faith.

A good summary of what Theistic Evolution is all about, from the BioLogos Forum.

Image source (public domain)


  1. Anything that does not measurably harm someone by a reasonable person's standards IS FREE SPEECH.

    Seems like there were lots of cases of where speech was eroded this past week:

    Valedictorian that didn't get diploma because of using the word "hell" in her speech.

    Kid that wore a Michigan T Shirt to a Texas School.

  2. Thanks. To quibble a bit -- anything that can be construed as speech, and doesn't fail the "fire in a crowded theater" test should be free speech.

    I agree with you on all these cases, and would doubt that those rulings will stand, if pursued.

  3. atlibertytosayAugust 27, 2012

    Agreed ... I over simplified it.
