Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sunspots 385

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

Science: (not Science Fiction) Fox News reports that scientists are working on a real warp drive, which drive was popularized in the Star Trek TV series (all of them) and the Star Trek movies.

The cost of sequencing a person's genes is getting affordable, less than $5,000, and going down. National Public Radio reports that this has promise, and raises numerous ethical questions. Also practical ones -- will your doctor be able to interpret the results and explain them to you?

The Arts: The trailer for the soon-to-be-released Hobbit film.

Politics: National Public Radio has done a graphic analysis of candidate Romney's 47 percent who don't pay income taxes, showing why they don't.

Christianity: "This God of rough edges will not be smoothed out, neither by the fundamentalists who think he is mainly interested in populating hell, nor the liberals who imagine hell is empty." Mark Galli, reviewing the movie, Hellbound?, for Christianity Today.

Image source (public domain)


  1. I enjoy your Sunspots, I almost always learn something interesting!

    I like your new header, very beautiful! You commented on mine, and I don't remember if I ever answered. It's a park in Fairhope, Alabama, a town near us. The foreground is a duckpond, and Mobile Bay is in the distance.

    Yours, Nancy

  2. Thanks. I learn something new, too! Park in Fairhope? OK. Thanks.
