Thursday, January 10, 2013

Alternative to iGoogle

iGoogle, which has enabled me to have a home page that shows, or links to, almost everything I use, is going away for good in November.

I have previously posted on alternatives to this program. Currently, I am using FVD Speed Dial in parallel with iGoogle, and have come to rely on it.

FVD Speed Dial, which lets me set up a screen full of icons that I make, from the web site's web page. I have set my FVD page up to open automatically whenever I open a new tab. My FVD Speed Dial page can be synchronized across computers. The program is free, and works with both Firefox and Google Chrome. I see 18 icons -- meaning links to 18 web pages, on opening, and can scroll down to 12 more. I could add more icons (or speed dials) if I want to.

I have posted previously on other replacements to iGoogle.

Thanks for reading.


  1. That's interesting. I liked iGoogle, but quit using it when I heard they were phasing it out. It was helpful.

  2. Thanks. I'm hanging on to it as long as I can.

  3. My (affiliated with Yahoo) has a toolbar I can set up with icons for my favorite websites. It uses the icon of each site, the B in an orange square for Blogger and the red and blue dots for Flickr, for example. I'm satisfied with it. It meets my needs.

  4. That sounds like it works fine!

  5. I think I'll switch to a Yahoo homepage once iGoogle goes down and out.

    I've heard rumblings of a protest.

    It is very unique and easy to program for.

    A decent percentage of my readers for all my websites come from iGoogle right now.

  6. Thanks. I use Google Reader to get to your blog (and also Facebook.)

  7. If you want a truly open and free alternative, this might be for you:

  8. Thanks, MadsRH.

    What you are doing sounds interesting.
