Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Sunspots 412

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

Christianity: R. C. Sproul's The Truth of the Cross (Orlando: Reformation Trust Publishing, 2008) "I wonder whether Jesus was even aware of the nails and the thorns. He was overwhelmed by the outer darkness. On the cross, He was in hell, totally bereft of the grace and the presence of God, utterly separated from all blessedness of the Father. He became a curse for us so that we one day will be able to see the face of God." 

Health: The New York Times reports on a Centers for Disease Control recommendation that babies should not be fed solid food until they are six months old.

Politics: (and maybe computing) A CNN opinion piece, arguing that unlocking your cell phone should not be a crime. (It is!)

Science: Wired discusses the possibility, and the sense, or lack thereof, of reviving the extinct Passenger Pigeon, using some tricks with DNA.

Image source (public domain)


  1. It's my opinion that a cellphone is personal property and that its ownership falls under the 4th amendment.

    I do believe it is fair to the cellphone companies though to be under the restriction of "carrier locking" until the contract (usually caused by a subsidy) is up.

    But contrary, I also believe that established relationships have some bearing here. Say I wanted to buy a phone under a contract and let my friend have it but he uses another carrier - I should be able to do that as long as I remain under contract and live by the terms. (As you can probably surmise - I've done this very thing in the past.)

    If the phone is bought outright what right does a carrier have to tell me what I can do with it?

  2. I agree with you entirely.

    This is yet another example of how big corporations can often get their way, to the detriment of ordinary people.

    Thanks, atlibertytosay.
