Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Sunspots 440

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

The Arts: Wired has a report on some noted artworks, re-done as desserts. Why not?

Christianity: (And Science) An interesting (but long and scholarly) article on the ethics and morality of combining human and animal cells, in Answers Research Journal.

Computing: Gizmo's Freeware recommends a free on-line desktop publishing site that lets you create brochures, flyers, etc., on-line, and save them as .PDF files, to your computer. I have tried it, and it works.

Gizmo's Freeware also recommends a free to-do list manager. It can be used on the web, or off-line, as I understand it.

Education: The Panda's Thumb on why more girls don't go into science and math.

Science: NPR reports on the science of kissing.

Image source (public domain)

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