Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Sunspots 444

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:
Computing: How to make your browsing experience safer, from Gizmo's Freeware.

Science: Jellyfish are becoming much more common in the oceans, and are hurting tourism (and tourists), among other things, according to CNN.

The BBC says that an Indian spacecraft is doing well. It's supposed to head for Mars.

Science News, and other outlets, report that the danger from meteor strikes may be considerably larger than we had thought.
The L.A. Times reports on a very strange asteroid.

(and politics) Wired thinks that the US government needs to do some radical re-thinking to keep up with the way microbes are mutating, and getting harder, almost impossible to treat.

Image source (public domain)


  1. Dr. LaBar, I've sent you an email to your sunandshield gmail account. I would love to reconnect! Thankful to see all is well with you and your family...AND that you're still writing! I will follow now =)

  2. We're OK, thank God.

    Good to hear from you.
