Sunday, December 22, 2013

Does the Bible really say that? Excerpt from my book, 15

[Concluding a discussion of family headship, as shown in the Bible.]

The stories above, taking place in the male-dominated society of the Hebrews in the Old Testament, tell us that, at times, wives and mothers asserted firm spiritual leadership, even when the husband was a believer. This female leadership resulted in the survival of the infant Moses, and the birth of Samuel, two of the most important spiritual leaders in the history of Israel. God used and blessed this type of leadership, at least occasionally.

I conclude, based on Biblical evidence, that, even if – and that doesn’t seem to be certain – wives are, normally, to submit to their husband’s spiritual leadership, there may be times when a believing wife should exercise such leadership, even in a home where both spouses are believers. I’m not smart enough to give any guidelines as to how to know when a time like this has come!

The above is an excerpt from my recently published e-book, Does the Bible Really Say That?, which may be obtained free of charge, or purchased from Amazon for $0.99, which is the lowest price Amazon lets an author set. Scripture quotations are from the World English Bible, public domain.

The previous post in this series is here. The next post, God willing, will begin a new topic.

Thanks for reading!


  1. "I’m not smart enough to give any guidelines as to how to know when a time like this has come!"

    Your wife will tell you! ;-)

  2. Yes, she will. Thanks, FancyHorse.
