Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Sunspots 447

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

Christianity: Christian History has published an issue on the church's response to Darwin, from the time of the publication of The Origin of Species to the Scopes trial. The issue is available as a free .PDF file.
Ken Schenck has summarized his view on how to interpret scripture. Readable, and concise.

Politics: National Public Radio reports that we may pick our location, at least to some extent, to accord with our political preferences.
An editorial in The Washington Post says that, in government, managing for efficiency is not rewarded. In fact, managing inefficiently may be.

Science: Wired reports that lemurs can anticipate what other animals will see, but not what they will hear.
USA Today reports that pre-wedding jitters may predict problems in the marriage.
National Public Radio reports that our brains geotag memories, so that events are associated with places.

NASA has posted a video on sungrazing comets. By the time you read this, Comet Ison will, or will not, have survived its trip near the sun. (It probably did survive, or some of it did.)

Image source (public domain)


  1. atlibertytosayDecember 08, 2013

    "An editorial in The Washington Post says that, in government, managing for efficiency is not rewarded. In fact, managing inefficiently may be. "

    I see it every day.
