Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Sunspots 457

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:
Christianity: I confess -- I was YouTube surfing, looking for a good HD version of Beethoven's "Hallelujah Chorus," from his only oratorio, Christ on the Mount of Olives. I found one, with chorus and instruments, done at a wedding, no less! Why? I have no idea. Perhaps the couple were in the choir of that church.
A sermon, entitled "Should I Turn Off the Respirator."

A blog post, on the most common heresy within the US church.
Computing: (sort of) Wired complains about the user interface of Netflix, Amazon Prime, Roku, Apple TV, etc., claiming that old-fashioned channel surfing is more user-friendly.
Humor: Wired reports on some inventions that haven't been invented, but ought to be.
Science: Wired reports on a study with musicians and dyslexia. Apparently dyslexia is cause as much, or more, by a memory problem as by a perception problem.

Image source (public domain)

1 comment:

  1. I completely disagree about the Netflix intuitiveness … I wish TV was like Netflix where you could just watch anything you wanted at any time you wanted unless it was a live event.
