Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Sunspots 483

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

Computing: National Public Radio reports on robots made of paper, which folds into a functioning robot. (There's a brief video of this process.)
NPR also reports on the case of a monkey who took a photo of herself. Who owns the copyright?

Humor: (or something) National Public Radio reports on how to market snacks derived from insects.
Science: Wired reports on whether dogs can tell time, perhaps by smell.
Wired also reports on the microbes found in cheeses. There have been some surprises.
And Wired tells us that the white sands of Hawaiian beaches are mostly fish poop.

National Public Radio reports on the importance of mosses. Who knew?

Sports: Congratulations to Becky Hammon, who has been hired as the first full-time female assistant coach by the San Antonio Spurs, the NBA champions. She is the first full-time female coach ever hired by a major sports team in North America. See also yesterday's full-page article in USA Today.

Image source (public domain)

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