Sunday, July 10, 2016

Excerpts from Impressions, by Martin Wells Knapp, 4

There are many different telegraph wires over which messages are transmitted from the Divine mind to our own. The following are among the number:

The Bible. This is God's will revealed in human language. Its impressions are divine. It speaks on every needed subject, and its general principles and specific applications of them are designed above all minor voices to so impress us that "being made wise unto salvation," whatsoever we do in word or deed shall be done solely for man's good and God's glory.

The Ministry. God frequently sends special and startling messages by His ministers. Impressions made by the truth as it leaps front a glowing heart are often indelible. Many, as at Pentecost, have been "so pricked to the heart," that they have found no rest until fully surrendered to Jesus. Others have thus been comforted, or strengthened, or convicted for some special work.

Personal Influence. Many messages from above are sent over this wire. The impressions thus made on my mind by letters from a dear friend awakened and led me to Jesus, and when tried in the furnace of God's afflictive fires, one of the strongest comforting impressions that came to me was caused by the following lines sent by one of earth's comforting angels:
"In the furnace God may prove thee,
Thence to bring thee forth more bright,
But can never cease to love thee,
Thou art precious in His sight.
God is with thee,
God thine everlasting Light."
Such instances like the sands on the seashore are numberless.

Prayer. One of the mightiest influences which lead Godward and heavenward is the prayer of faith.

Under its power persecuting Sauls fall blindly to the earth, and the counsels of persecutors are overturned, and saints are comforted and led in ways they knew not of. The pressure brought to bear upon the mind of the one for whom a number unite in prayer is mighty. Who is there that has not "felt" the prayers of others in their restraining or persuasive influence?

From Impressions, by Martin Wells Knapp. Original publication date, 1892. Public domain. My source is here. The previous post in the series is here.

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