Wednesday, October 05, 2016

Sunspots 594

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

Christianity: Benjamin L. Corey claims that the US is not hostile toward Christianity, but hostile toward Christians who try to bully others into certain kinds of behavior.

Computing: Several companies in the information sector are working together with public representatives to develop ethics guidelines for artificial intelligence, according to reports by National Public Radio and other sources.

Gizmo's Freeware has posted an updated and annotated list of the best free apps, including, for example, substitutes for Word and Excel, and games, and many more.

Finance: Scientific American reports that Congress, with a bill backed by members of both parties (!) will probably pass legislation that helps prevent people who have lost property in a flood from continuing to receive federally backed insurance payments when they re-build in the same place. The worst case mentioned is a home that has had 34 damage claims in 32 years, whose owner has been paid about ten times the property's value over that time period.

Food: Cup noodles are 45 years old. NPR reports on their history and culture (and also on Ramen noodles).

Health: National Public Radio reports on the value of walking for health, especially in older people.

History: Listverse presents 10 amazing stories of survival in the Arctic.

Humor: (or not) The Conversation on why some of us think clowns are creepy.

Real humor: An amazing rope trick video.

Politics: NPR reports on the question of whether fact checks matter.
Science: NPR reports that an environmentally cleaner car may actually cost less.
Scientific American reports that 8-month-old babies are able to understand more than we might expect, and to use communication with adults.

Image source (public domain)


  1. I am having trouble agreeing with Benjamin Corey's article. On the one hand, I sympathize with business owners who do not wish to bake cakes or arrange flowers for an event that is antithetical to their beliefs.

    On the other hand, I remember the days of Jim Crow and businesses that had a sign saying "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone". Racial discrimination was rightly struck down, and I predict that discrimination against homosexuals and transgenders will be as well, eventually.

    I enjoy walking outside in nice weather. I'm also in a fitness class at the Y.

    I enjoyed clowns when I was a child. They were my favorite part of the circus, and I didn't think I was unusual.

    The rope trick was truly amazing!

    Interesting observations, as always, Martin. I hope you and your family will be safe from Hurricane Matthew. Are you on the coast?

  2. Thanks for all your observations. Corey says some controversial things, for sure.. No, we live about as far from the coast as you can get and be in South Carolina.
