Monday, January 23, 2017

John Piper on Mr. Trump: morally unqualified, but he's President

John Piper posted, on inauguration day, a good article on Mr. Trump. He claims, first, that the 45th President of the US is morally unqualified for the job. Particulars:

He has openly bragged about committing adultery.
He has mocked others, such as prisoners of war (John McCain, for one) and disabled people.
Some of his ventures, such as Trump University, were a type of con game.
He's more of a demagogue than one who seriously discusses issues.
He's proud, and lies about his accomplishments, saying that he has never done anything that needed forgiveness (!), and that no one reads the Bible more than he does.

Piper goes on to describe some necessary qualifications and characteristics of a good leader, most of which Mr. Trump does not display.

But -- he is now the President of the US, and we need to live like he is that. One way to do so is to pray for him. One thing to pray for, says Piper (he mentions others) is for Mr. Trump to be led to repentance.

Thanks for reading. Read Piper.

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