Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Sunspots 607

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

Christianity: Relevant reports that a Christian is martyred for his/her faith about every six minutes.

Food: Listverse reports on 10 strange ways to make, and/or serve, ice cream.

Health: National Public Radio reports on a study that found that being the mother of a middle-schooler is more stressful than being the mother of a newborn or a teenager.

NPR also has a report on the state of knowledge of Alzheimer's.

NPR on how poor eating habits can impair your ability to think.

History: Listverse posts on 10 beautiful ancient maps.

Politics: Relevant reports that nearly 30,000 people have been the victims of violence in Venezuela this year.

Science: A simple, almost free solution to defrosting a car window quickly.

Listverse reports on 10 amazing inventions, inspired by structures and processes in living things.

Image source (public domain)


  1. About Christian persecution, a very serious concern. We should be more aware of it, and pray. Have you heard of Voice of the Martyrs?

    About ice cream - I'm not very brave; I haven't even tried gelato yet!

    About middle school childrearing - My sons didn't give any trouble in pre-teen and teenage years. They were band "nerds" and were in Scouts. I knew and trusted their friends.

    About thinking, remembering: I have to be careful to put things like keys, cell phone, etc., in the same place each time or I go "treasure hunting." More frustrating than fun!

    Beautiful maps! I have an online friend who lives in Long Island; she would love to see that. I'll send her the link.

    So sad about Venezuela!

    Sounds like a good idea about defrosting windshields. We don't get much freezing weather here, and my car stays in the garage. Sure is a nice convenience!

    About amazing inventions:
    Desert beetle - the Boy Scout Field Guide used to have instructions for gathering water in dry conditions, capitalizing on the morning dew.

    Squishy, octopus-like robots are a good idea; they might have prevented the tragic case of the woman who was crushed by a robot at work, in Auburn, Ala.

    Lobster vision - I wonder if scientists have examined fly's eyes; that might be useful, too.

    Thank you for these. I found them very interesting. I've been so busy I didn't open my computer for several days, and missed seeing your "Sunspots."

  2. Thank you so much for taking the time to read Sunspots, and for your pertinent comments.
