Sunday, August 20, 2017

Impressions, by Martin Wells Knapp, 62

In a previous excerpt, Knapp stated that there are four features of "impressions" from God. These are Scriptural; Right (consistent with good morals); Providential (in harmony with God's will); and Reasonable. His discussion of the result of living by "Convictions from Above," according to Christ's example, continues:

The miracles He wrought, the prophecies He fulfilled, the glad tidings He proclaimed, the denunciations He uttered, His betrayal, trial, crucifixion, resurrection, ascension and reign, all were foretold and in harmony with the Scriptures. When human opposers accused Him of violating the Word, He always successfully defended Himself and exposed their deception and error. He was never like them and some of His professed followers today, guilty of wresting Scripture from its proper place and meaning to serve a selfish purpose. In His boyhood, though His young heart burned to be about His Father's business, yet He restrained His "strong impressions," and as taught in the "law of Moses," was subject unto His parents. Thus by His example He taught that impulses, which, if followed, would lead to disobedience, should be smothered.

When He engaged in the extraordinary act of scourging the buyers and sellers from the temple, and commanded them no more to make His Father's house a place of merchandise, He met their indignant opposition by the unanswerable Bible declaration: "It is written, my house shall be called an house of prayer," but ye have made it a den of thieves.

Thus at every step He rested the rightfulness of His acts upon the written Word. Study the gospels with reference to the allusions of Jesus to Scripture, and you doubtless will be surprised at their frequency. 

Excerpted from Impressions, by Martin Wells Knapp. Original publication date, 1892. Public domain. My source is here. The previous post in the series is here.

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