Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Sunspots 670

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

The Arts: (Thanks to one of my brothers for this one!) National Public Radio reports that a farmer uses the positions of his cows to write messages visible from a satellite. There's a video. Really.

Christianity: He Lives reminds us that the Gospel is for believers, too.

BioLogos on why the bodily resurrection of Christ is so important.

Health: Gizmodo reports on infant deaths in the US, state by state. The US, as a whole, has a higher death rate than Europe, and no state is as low as Europe.
   Science: Scientific American reports that meditation may not make us "nicer."

New Scientist reports on a newly discovered human organ, and some of its importance.

Thanks for looking!

Image source (public domain)

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