Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Sunspots 676

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

Christianity: Paige Patterson, President of a Southern Baptist seminary, is getting heat from some Southern Baptist women over remarks related to sexual roles. Michael Gerson weighs in on this story, and points out how women were highlighted in the New Testament, although it was written in a far more male-dominated society than ours is.

Health: Gizmodo reports on the removal of a 132-pound tumor from a woman.

(and politics) Gizmodo reports that President Trump has appointed Dr. Mehmet Oz to a health advisory council. Gizmodo is not happy with this, and tells why.

Humor: (or something) Speeded-up construction of a big Star Wars Lego object.

Politics: Last week, the chaplain of the US House was asked to resign, by Speaker Paul Ryan. The chaplain has been restored to office, says Relevant.

Science: Earther reports that the highest-ever recorded temperature in April occurred in Pakistan last month.

Gizmodo reports on the longest straight path on earth, without coming on to land, and the longest straight line path on land.

Gizmodo reports on research indicating that plants can communicate to other plants that they are too close together, or have been touched.

Scientific American discusses the decline of the ability to learn new languages as we get older.

New Scientist, and other outlets, discuss findings that indicate that tourism is a serious contributor to global climate change.

Sports: Becky Hammon is being considered for a head coaching job in the NBA. (She is not the only candidate -- the rest are male.)

Thanks for looking!

Image source (public domain)

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