Friday, July 06, 2018

Outrageous: Deporting veterans and refusing service in restaurants

According the the Associated Press and National Public Radio, immigrants who served in the US military, and were promised a path to US citizenship, have been discharged, and deported. That's outrageous! Snopes has checked this, and finds it true.

So is refusing to serve people in restaurants, just because their politics isn't compatible with the restaurant staff, whether the person in question is Sarah Huckabee Sanders, or, for example, Rev. Al Sharpton. If someone comes in and insults the staff, or does not comply with a dress code prominently posted next to the entrance, has a history of not paying, or, without provocation, makes loud statements, displays, or noises that annoy other customers, OK. Ask them to leave. But not just because they work for the President, whoever he or she might be, or have different political views than the management. That's outrageous!

The Golden Rule tells us to do to others as we would want them to do to us, and says nothing about them belonging to our intellectual tribe, whatever tribe that may be.

Thanks for reading!

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