Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Sunspots 688

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

Christianity: A female Christianity Today writer, who had a homosexual relationship in the past, discusses how to deal with other women in a homosexual relationship, with compassion.

Computing: Gizmodo on what Chromebook computers can and can't do, as compared to the more expensive Apple and Windows devices.

Gizmodo also warns about letting our information appliances get too hot.

And Gizmodo reports that face recognition software from Amazon wrongly indicated that 28 member of the US Congress (out of 535) were criminals. Furthermore, errors were more likely for non-white members.

Health: Gizmodo, and other sources, say we don't apply sunscreen correctly.

National Public Radio tells us that, in most cases, tap water is just as good for us as filtered or bottled water, or better, and it's better for the environment.

Humor: The Wikipedia reported that US Senator Orrin Hatch has died. He hasn't.

Science: The BBC says that because of a recent heatwave, some amazing archaeological features have been discovered in the UK.

The BBC also reports on that after-the-rain smell. (Thanks to one of my brothers for these two links!)

Thanks for looking!

Image source (public domain)

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