Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Sunspots 689

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

Christianity: Christianity Today reports that a lot of Christians believe in the Prosperity Gospel.

Christianity Today also tells us four lies that keep people from attending church.

Relevant tells us why we should question our views on important subjects.

also reports on the most common searches on Bible Gateway, over the last 25 years.

Health: Scientific American reports that women are more likely to die from a heart attack if the emergency physician is a male.

Politics: Gizmodo is pleased with President Trump's nomination (finally) of a science adviser, but fears that there are too many voices in the Administration that don't pay attention to scientific findings.

Science: A CBS 60 Minutes discussion of a story "Are Zookeepers Playing God?" Note -- this links to three videos, which are each a few minutes long. I thank one of my daughters for pointing to this material.

Gizmodo says that July, 2018, will be the hottest month ever recorded in one place, in Death Valley.

A Scientific American writer says that stories about time travel never talk about a fundamental hindrance to such travel.

Sports: (and Politics) A USA Today columnist compares the contributions to education of LeBron James and President Donald Trump, after Trump recently attacked James. James had attacked Trump, but, as the columnist points out, so have two prominent white NBA coaches, and the President hasn't hit back at them.

Thanks for looking!

Image source (public domain)

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