Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Sunspots 690

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

Christianity: Relevant on what to do when you don't like reading the Bible.

Relevant also tells us that we never marry the right person, in an excerpt from a book by Timothy Keller.

And Relevant has an article on the dangers of trying to please people.

BioLogos has posted quotes from some important Christians who believed that evolution and Christian faith were compatible.

Computing: New Scientist reports on a study of on-line dating behavior: what age persons get most inquiries, and more.

History: Listverse tells us about some ancient (mostly prehistoric) household items, including the first toy car.

Politics: National Public Radio reports that the Trump administration is in the process of taking away regulations that would protect military personnel from predatory lending practices.

Science: I am not making this up. Some scientists have recently been considering what the earth would be like if it was made of blueberries. How would it form, etc.? See here, here, and especially here.

Thanks for looking!

Image source (public domain)

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