Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Sunspots 709

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

The Arts: Christianity: (and Education) Ken Schenck tells us 10 top reasons for going to a Christian college.

Relevant quotes from Queen Elizabeth's Christmas message, which included some preaching!

(and Science) David Heddle points out a serious problem for young-earth creationists -- how did so many species come about after the flood?

Education: NPR reports that many teachers are using the Harry Potter books in class. The series was published in the US about 20 years ago. (I have posted about the series, which I like, and think kids should be encouraged to read, here and elsewhere.)

Finance: Catherine Rampell says that the Trump administration's recent handling of the financial system is about as competent as if they had been the Keystone Kops.

The Motley Fool on the future of Social Security.

Politics: Catherine Rampell on how President Trump did not stick to agreements before he became President, and doesn't do so now.

Michael Gerson thinks the Wall is not a good idea. He says it's not a Reagan-like idea.

The Associated Press fact-checks the President on the children who have died while in Border Patrol custody, and, of course, he has twisted these facts.

Science: Listverse tells us about 10 strange species of birds, and their habits and appearance.

A clear and understandable guide to what CRISPR is, why it's important, and the possible dangers, in Vox. I thank one of my brothers for bringing this article to my attention.

Sports: I missed Bob Cousy's 90th birthday, in 2018. Here's a video of some of his best basketball passing. Amazing!

The graphic used in these posts is from NASA, hence, I believe, it is public domain.

Thanks for looking!

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