Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Sunspots 720

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

The Arts: Listverse describes stories that probably influenced J. R. R. Tolkien's writing.

Christianity: Not a surprise. Relevant reports on a study that shows that larger Protestant churches are more likely to be growing than small ones.

Computing: NPR reports that electronic medical record-keeping hasn't lived up to its promise, and explains why.

Finance: Catherine Rampell reacts to the Trump administration's budget.

Health: NPR reports that Alzheimer's is not the only form of dementia. There are other common forms, all bad, but treatment for some of the effects may be possible, provided the actual form of dementia is known.

Politics: A USA Today columnist is not happy with the President, but explains why he might win in 2020.

Michael Gerson explains why Trump's base is loyal. It isn't pretty.

FiveThirtyEight analyzes the various lawsuits against the President, and his businesses, especially a suit involving the emoluments clause of the Constitution. The Supreme Court is going to be busy, apparently.

Science: Listverse tells us a lot of interesting facts about ice.

Gizmodo reports on calculations that say that Mercury is closer to the earth than Venus is.

Gizmodo also reports on an enormous geological event that we didn't feel, but was detected by seismographs all over the world.

The graphic used in these posts is from NASA, hence, I believe, it is public domain.
Thanks for looking!

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