Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Sunspots 723

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:


Christianity: The He Lives blog on what theistic evolution (aka evolutionary creationism) is, and is not.

Finance: Catherine Rampell hopes that President Trump does not appoint Herman Cain to the Federal Reserve.

Food: The Trump administration is being sued by some states, because of roll-backs in standards for school lunches.

Health: FiveThirtyEight discusses the unfairness of the organ donation system.

Politics: S. E. Cupp says that Democrats have repeatedly made errors in reacting to President Trump, and they are doing it again on the Muller Report.

The Associated Press on the recent shake-up at the Department of Homeland Security.

The Associated Press has fact-checked many of President Donald Trump's recent utterances. He has gotten a lot wrong, including where his father was born (!). And he also has been far from the truth on immigration, healthcare, hurricane aid for Puerto Rico, and other issues.

Science: Scientific American reports that cats recognize their names (although the reaction is often not what the owner wants.)

Gizmodo reports that gorillas may grieve for their dead.

Sports: (and race) Kyle Korver, long-time NBA player, who is white, has written an essay on racism.

Sports Illustrated on the struggles, and triumph, of the NCAA women's champion basketball team, Baylor.

The graphic used in these posts is from NASA, hence, I believe, it is public domain.

Thanks for looking!

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