Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Sunspots 724

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

The Arts: (And Christianity) Reviews of Mary Magdalene in Relevant, and Plugged In.

Yo-Yo Ma plays Bach on his cello, near the border, in Texas.
Christianity: Relevant has a good article on things newlyweds should know, but probably didn't learn about in church (if at all).

Computing: Google doesn't index everything. Here are some suggestions on how to find things that Google can't.

Christianity Today reports on a statement by evangelical leaders (mostly Southern Baptists) about the implications of artificial intelligence.

Finance: (and politics) Catherine Rampell on why confirming Herman Cain and/or Stephen Moore to the Federal Reserve Board would be a disaster. (I don't believe that either of them have been officially nominated yet, but the President is making noises about doing so.)

Rampell also tells us about what she says is a sensible tax plan, which would help working families, but should have Republican support.

Philosophy: (and Christianity, and History) Joel Edmund Anderson on the question of the source of morality.

Politics: (and health) A USA Today opinion writer, a psychologist, with experience in dealing with dementia, believes that President Trump has dementia.

Michael Gerson warns about the dangers of the partisanship which is so prevalent in our society.

The graphic used in these posts is from NASA, hence, I believe, it is public domain. 

Thanks for looking!

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