Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Sunspots 726

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

The Arts: NPR discusses how movies have been getting longer and longer.

Christianity: A Relevant writer tells us 9 things we should do when reading the Bible. The 9 are ways to improve our understanding, and none of them are complicated.
(and health) A Christianity Today article discusses, at length, opposition to vaccination because some cell lines used to make material for use were derived from fetal tissue, and related issues.

Finance: Catherine Rampell on the incoherence of US trade policy toward Japan.

(and health) NPR reports on a snake bitten 9-year-old, who racked up medical bills of more than $140,000.

Health: NPR reports on adult family care in Vermont -- a way to avoid hospitals and nursing homes, for some, at least.

Politics: Based on the Mueller Report, Michael Gerson says that it's time for the US House to lay the groundwork for impeachment.

(Or something) Relevant reports on a few of the recent beheadings that are a feature of Saudi Arabian jurisprudence.

The graphic used in these posts is from NASA, hence, I believe, it is public domain. 

Thanks for looking!

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