Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Sunspots 729

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

Christianity: He Lives on what legalism is, and related matters.

Christianity Today on a report that 1 in 10 young Protestants have left their churches because of sexual harassment of various kinds.
Finance: Catherine Rampell on how Democrats should be attacking President Trump's trade failures, but mostly aren't.

National Public Radio reports on financial problems, and lavish compensation for top people, in the National Rifle Association.

Humor: (or something) A bear, moved away from her habitat, has walked back home, traveling up to 30 miles a day, over several months, according to NPR.

Politics: S. E. Cupp thinks Elizabeth Warren is too much like President Trump, in her approach to people and institutions that disagree with her.

FiveThirtyEight analyzes poll results indicating what types of people voters would be uncomfortable with as candidates. Many, for example, say they would not be comfortable with a Presidential candidate over 70. (Donald Trump received considerable support, of course, and he turned 70 on election day, 2016)

Michael Gerson discusses the absence of a Christian Democratic party in the US. (Such parties exist, and often do well, in Europe).

Catherine Rampell discusses what might come to light when President Trump's tax returns become available, and how and why he (and others) have worked hard to keep them hidden.

Science: Gizmodo reports that there are a lot of escaped parrots -- several species -- living in the US, and doing well.

Gizmodo also reports that Escherichia coli bacteria with an artificially produced genome are viable.

The graphic used in these posts is from NASA, hence, I believe, it is public domain. 

Thanks for looking!

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