Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Sunspots 731

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

Christianity: (and politics) NPR reports that US citizens who leave water in the desert for migrants, or otherwise assist migrants, face arrest and may face prison. This is true, apparently, even if the citizen's religious convictions require him or her to give assistance to those in dire need.

A Relevant writer says that no one ever came to believe in Christ for salvation because a Christian scolded them.

Relevant, I'm sorry to say, reports that the Houston Chronicle has documented sexual abuse by a few Southern Baptist missionaries or members of mission boards. There was a previous report on abuse of this sort by youth pastors. See here for yet more on the Houston Chronicle investigation.
Michael Gerson is not happy with Franklin Graham's call to pray for the President. (Gerson, himself, does pray for Mr. Trump on a regular basis, he says.)

Computing: A reliable source recommends a YouTube series entitled "A Crash Course in Navigating Digital Information."

Environment: (and politics) It's hurricane season. Building codes in the Florida panhandle still allow homes that won't withstand a hurricane, according to NPR. Habitat for Humanity, however builds houses that can (and, in some cases, have) withstood a major hurricane.

Finance: Catherine Rampell thinks that the economic expansion is about to end.

Health: (and finance) A woman was charged over $4000 for laughing gas (Nitrous Oxide) that she took to deal with pain during childbirth. This comes close to the cost of a Nitrous Oxide machine and the raw material for producing it, according to NPR.

Gizmodo reports that people who are caffeine or nicotine addicts do a lot worse in the ICU than people who are not so addicted. They go through withdrawal, in addition to whatever else put them in the ICU.

History: (And politics) Catherine Rampell on why we need government.

Politics: NPR reports that, although they seldom agree on policy matters, Ted Cruz And Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have, together, taken the first steps toward legislation that will prohibit former members of Congress from becoming lobbyists. Good for them! The article says that the reverse is also true -- nearly 200 political appointees in the Trump administration formerly worked as lobbyists. Not exactly "draining the swamp." Trump's administration isn't the first where this sort of thing has happened.

FiveThirtyEight reports that Bernie Sanders is the most popular Democratic candidate for President among Democrats not affiliated with any religion.

Science: The Scientist reports on a study showing that the browsing of deer, which removes leaves, changes the way the sounds used by other animals, in communication, are perceived.

The graphic used in these posts is from NASA, hence, I believe, it is public domain. 

Thanks for looking!


  1. I was shocked to read that people could be arrested for giving water to those are coming into this country illegally from Mexico! Having lived in an area where it was easier to slip in, I learned that once here, they must travel a 54 mile dirt road to the nearest town, Marfa, and it's impossible to carry enough water to survive that walk. I've heard from longtime residents that they are eventually eager to be picked up by the border patrol, just to get water and survive. I was told that if I gave anyone a ride in my car, I could be arrested. What would Jesus think of withholding water, especially since He commanded us to do so?!!

  2. What, indeed, would Jesus think? Thanks.
