Thursday, July 11, 2019

Answers in Genesis, leading Young-Earth Creationist organization, published an article supporting main-stream astronomy

Answers in Genesis Research Journal is a publication of Answers in Genesis, currently the leading Young-Earth Creationist organization. A recent edition of this journal includes an article by Danny Faulkner, an astronomer who is an important part of the Answers in Genesis organization.

Faulkner argues that Young-Earth Creationists have no good reason for rejecting the possibility of an expanding universe (which the Big Bang theory requires), or for rejecting the use of cosmological red shifts to inform us on the distances of various astronomical objects, but, rather, should accept these ideas. Interesting, indeed.

Warning: The article is pretty technical, with equations, graphs, and more.

Here is a post, by me, on the Big Bang, with discussion of (mostly) misplaced animosity to the idea of a Big Bang.

Thanks for reading.

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