Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Sunspots 737

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

Christianity: A disturbing Relevant article about the shallowness of Christians, such as me.

A Christianity Today article on animal suffering and the Fall.

A Christianity Today writer says that embracing partisan politics has a serious detrimental effect on carrying out Christ's mission.

Christianity Today also says that religious persecution, world-wide, is getting worse.

Finance: NPR discusses the effects of forgiving college student's debts. It would be a mixed bag.

Health: (or something) The Associated Press reports on the tallest man in Pakistan -- he is 8 feet tall.

NPR points out that, for some of us, our doctor should have discussed climate change. Some doctors have, but most haven't.

NPR also discusses how to cut down on the number of falls taken by senior citizens.

Politics: (and History) NPR examines the history of Nativism in the USA. (For example, at one time, people of Irish descent were considered a threat by many.)

FiveThirtyEight discusses how the electorate reacts to a female candidate for President.

Surprise! Relevant reports that children are less likely to die from gunshots where there are stricter gun controls. (Gunshots are the second leading cause of death in children in the USA.

Science: Gizmodo has an article about the origins of domestic cattle, based on DNA studies. Some of those origins aren't clear.

Gizmodo also asks (and gets some answers) if the butterfly effect is real.

The graphic used in these posts is from NASA, hence, I believe, it is public domain. 

Thanks for looking!

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