Sunday, October 27, 2019

Sunspots 751

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

Christianity: Catherine Rampell on President Trump's attacks on Christian values, and on the Constitutional separation of church and state.

Relevant has an article on how to find hope, no matter the circumstances.
Relevant also reports that the Chinese government ordered the demolition of a 3,000 member megachurch, starting in the middle of a service, in spite of government recognition of the church.

Computing: Gizmo's freeware recommends a web page with 55 image-editing tools, available for free use.

History: The History blog reports on the oldest pearl used as a decoration/ornament by humans.

Politics: FiveThirtyEight analyzes the October 15th Democratic debate.

Michael Gerson says that President Trump's foreign policy is betraying decades of beneficent American ideals.

Catherine Rampell says that Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren seem to be following political expediency, in their health care proposals.

Science: The Scientist reports that genetics, by itself, does not determine what types of people you are sexually attracted to. Unfortunately, there is an app which claims to do just that.

Gizmodo reports on a possible new source of earthquakes in California.

The graphic used in these posts is from NASA, hence, it is free to use like this.
Thanks for looking!

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