Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Sunspots 793

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

Christianity: Weekend Fisher sees the world more clearly, because of COVID.

Environment: As the Antarctic heats up, some penguins are better off, some are much worse off, says Gizmodo.

Gizmodo also reports that hurricane prediction numbers have been increased over previous predictions.

NPR reports that, in addition to trying to save tigers and whales, we should be concerned about tapeworms and other parasites.

Finance: (or something) Gizmodo reports that people are working longer hours during this pandemic.

Health: NPR reports that airlines can require passengers to wear masks.

History: He Lives argues that being a believer in a young earth, as apparently most of the church fathers did, is not the same thing as being a young-earth creationist today.

Politics: Ken Schenck talks about race, and points out a variety of white responses to the topic.

FiveThirtyEight says that most Americans don't want to postpone the November 3 election.

Science: Gizmodo reports that it's relatively easy to measure tire wear, and detect nails, by radar.

Gizmodo also reports on studies of Jupiter's atmosphere, including lightning and mushy hail.

The graphic used in these posts is from NASA, hence, it is free to use like this.

Thanks for looking!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the link. And thank you for the other interesting links.

    Take care & God bless
    Anne / WF
