Friday, August 07, 2020

Todd Charles Wood, Young-Earth Creationist, on the death of Glenn Morton, ex-Young-Earth Creationist

Todd Charles Wood is a young-earth creationist, perhaps the most significant scientist who believes that the earth is not very old. He has had helpful discussions with old-earth creationists, as well as other young-earth creationists. His blog is must reading for me. He recently published a tribute to Glenn R. Morton, who died a few days ago. Morton was a young-earth creationist geologist who came to doubt young-earth creationism because YEC explanations didn't explain the geology he found as a petroleum geologist. Not only that, but Morton asked other practicing geologists, trained by the Institute for Creation Research, as he had been, if there was anything they were taught there that actually helped them in their work. None of them could name one fact or phenomenon that did so.

In his tribute, Wood laments the treatment of Morton, whose Christianity was frequently questioned, as he began to be more open about his doubt of  YEC. And, says Wood, he's been there, although he is a staunch proponent of YEC. A prominent YECer called him a heretic last week, apparently for questioning some part of YEC doctrine.

Says Wood: There's something really defective in a group that deals with disagreement by demonizing the opposition and excommunicating people who think differently.  That's how cults work.  That's how con artists work.  But I think it's even worse than that.  If you say you can only be a good Christian if you believe in young-age creationism, you just added something to the gospel.  That makes the you the actual heretic!

Beliefs in origins are secondary to the gospel, and Christians should remain in fellowship with others who differ in their beliefs on this subject, as Wood tries to do.

Thanks for reading!
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Added August 15, 2020: The Panda's Thumb, a mostly anti-creation blog, has published a tribute to Morton.

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