Monday, September 14, 2020

What if Trump, Biden, or Pelosi refuses to acknowledge the results of the election, or what if there isn't a clear winner?


Whatever you may think of Al Gore, he deserves credit for at least one thing. He ran for President, and the results were hotly contested for some time, but he conceded. I don't like to think about what would have happened if he hadn't done so.

It looks like the Presidential election of 2020 may end up in a similar situation. Note the above graphic -- God either wants whatever wil happen, or will allow it.

FiveThirtyEight reports on the work of the Transition Integrity Project. FiveThirtyEight summarize it, and have posted a thorough discussion of possible results, which summary and discussion is entitled "What if Trump Loses and Won't Leave?" They emphasize Trump's possible actions for at least two reasons. First, he has been casting doubt on the election results, in advance, for months. Second, he's the President, and can take a number of actions that Biden can't. FiveThirtyEight discusses some of these actions, and those that Biden might take. It might even be possible for Speaker Pelosi to declare herself President.

But whatever happens, up to even a bloody civil war between partisans, God either allowed it, or wanted it.

Thanks for reading.

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