Monday, January 24, 2022

Answers in Genesis's 7 C's of History, revisited

The graphic above is from Answers in Genesis (AiG) on-line materials. It represents a 4th C, confusion. I believe getting permission for its use is not needed, as I am using a little bit of their post in criticism of AiG.

In a previous post, I commented on the 7 C's of History, a structure by AiG, used to organize human history. The post notes that nearly half of the Bible is not covered by any of these 7 supposedly main points -- Abraham, Moses, nearly all prophecy, the Psalms, and more of the Bible, in Genesis 12 through Malachi are not mentioned.

It is also true that their 4th point, "Confusion," the story of the Tower of Babel, occurs in only one chapter of the Bible, Genesis 11. So far as I can discover, that story is not referred to at all, anywhere else in scripture.

This is remarkable. A supposedly Bible-based organization leaves out large parts of the Bible, including some pretty important ones, and puts in one story that is not referred to in the New Testament at all, and is found in only one chapter of the Old Testament. Bible-based? Sort of.

Thanks for reading.

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