Thursday, January 06, 2022

What Christianity is for, as opposed to against.


A Facebook friend of mine posted that she got complaints that Christians are just against things (and perhaps people). I decided to summarize, briefly, the things Christians are FOR. The chart could easily be expanded, of course.

If you can make use of the graphic, help yourself -- no attribution needed.

The text version of the graphic is this:

Christianity is often said to be against certain things. That is true. It's against evil. But true Christianity is FOR being like Christ, and FOR other things, such as:

Freedom from the guilt that comes from wrong-doing. 

The worth of every person, regardless of ethnicity, age, sex, intelligence or economic status.

Enjoyment of what God has made possible, such as unselfish Christian love; joy; humor; beauty of form, sound and ideas; and creativity.

Care for others, and for the environment.

Belonging to a fellowship of other believers.

Christians have made many mistakes, including condoning slavery, and the Crusades. But Christians have also done many positive things, now and throughout history, such as caring for the sick, educating, fighting slavery, and elevating the status of women. Many of the most important scientists and artists have been Christians.

Thanks for looking and reading.

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