Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Sunspots 911

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to others*:

Computing: Gizmodo reports on commonly used passwords that are too easy to hack.

Health: The Scientist reports on a study wherein tetraplegics were able to control a special wheelchair by thinking about where they wanted to go.

Humor: (and food and politics) PBS reports on the question of which President started the tradition of pardoning one or more turkeys at Thanksgiving time. The report has lots of bad puns, by and about various Presidents and turkeys.

Politics: (or something) NPR reports that government employees involved in carrying out executions are often traumatized by their participation.

Science: Tired of, or confused by, milli-, kilo-, tera-, and all the others? NPR reports that these prefixes are not enough, and more have recently been added.

Gizmodo reports that the Leap Second (something like a Leap Year, only a lot shorter) will become a thing of the past. (No joke intended there.)

Sports: NPR reports that women are slowly becoming part of major college and minor league men's baseball teams.

*I try not to include items that require a password or fee to view.

Thanks for reading.


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