Friday, May 19, 2023

Heat caused by a world-wide flood -- Answers in Genesis says the amount is too great for a natural explanation

A recent article in Answers Research Journal, the science publication organ of Answers in Genesis, states that Young-earth/world-wide flood models would mean that there would have been an enormously too great an amount of heat for the earth to have survived as we know it. Here's a quotation from the article:

"The main conclusion of this article is that the total amount of geological heat deposited in the formation of the ocean floors and of LIPs [Large Igneous Processes] is overwhelming: it cannot be removed from the biosphere within a biblically-compatible timescale by known natural processes. Using CPT-style [Catastrophic Plate Tectonics] Flood models as our theoretical framework, no more than a tiny fraction of the total could have been released into the atmosphere and oceans during and after the Flood."

The article indicates that this problem for Young-earth creationism has been known among Young-earth geologists for decades. I am not a geologist, and make no claim to understand the geology behind the article. I do understand, however, that a Young-Earth Creationist is stating, in a publication dedicated to the proposition that the earth is but a few thousand years old, that there are no natural processes that would explain the state of the earth's crust now, if a young earth explanation is attempted. Not surprisingly, the author suggests that there was miraculous intervention associated with the Flood.

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