Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Sunspots 931

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to others*:

Computing: Gizmodo reports that the Federal Trade Commission is considering making it much easier to unsubscribe from all sorts of subscriptions (To news outlets, anti-malware software, and many more). Companies are not happy about this idea. (Surprise!)

Environment: Gizmo reports that California has adopted rules that protect Joshua trees.

Gizmodo reports that some national insurance companies have pulled out of certain states because of increased flooding, fires, and other problems. Yes, we are affected by global climate change.

Finances: The Hill tells us that China is in default to Americans on many billions of dollars of bonds.

Food: Gizmodo reports on a robot that prepares avocados for use.

Health: A Conversation writer discusses the biology of aging -- we all age differently.

Humor: (or not) Gizmodo reports on a sea otter that's taking over surfboards, from people who are using them.

Politics: An article in The Conversation considers the relationship between patriotism and nationalism.

Science: The Guardian reports on a palm tree that produces flowers underground.

Gizmodo reports on some splendid astronomy photos, submitted to the Royal Observatory, Greenwich.

Gizmodo also reports that ticks are especially efficient at connecting with us.

Science Alert reports that a New Zealand harvestman (aka daddy longlegs) has three different types of males.

A Conversation writer discusses research that indicates that we underestimate how much other people appreciate good deeds.

*I try not to include items that require a password or fee to view.

Thanks for reading.

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