Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Sunspots 948

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to others*

Computing: Zoom, a company which helps a lot of people do some or all of their jobs on-line, believes that people working for them should come in to work, according to Gizmodo.

Environment: Gizmodo publishes the responses, such as they were, of GOP Presidential candidates to global warning, during the recent debate, which Trump did not attend.

Finances: A Conversation writer explains the bail bond system.

Politics: NPR on Rudy Giuliani and RICO crime fighting.

Science: (or something) A Conversation article discusses speed of talking -- how and why some people talk faster (or slower).

Another Conversation writer tells us why our fingers wrinkle when we've been in water a long time.

NPR reports on the discovery of groups of octopi, protecting their eggs, deep down in the ocean.

*I try not to include items that require a password or fee to view

Thanks for reading.

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