Thursday, June 09, 2005

Pecan flowers

Pecan catkins

The picture above is of male pecan flowers. The ground is often covered with them, under a pecan tree, at this time of year. I've never seen the female flowers, but they are obviously there, or there wouldn't be any pecans.

If you want a higher-resolution picture, you can get it by clicking on the picture, then finding the different sizes link, at the right, in the source page. (Free Flickr membership may be required.)

These, and other male flowers, or flowers with both male and female parts, are a reason for some people's allergies to pollens of various kinds.

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousJune 10, 2005

    Our yard was always littered with these things, but I never knew what they were. Now I know - and feel stupid. lol
