Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Sunspots 12

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

"Athens in Cyberland" (The Athenians always wanted to hear the latest) is a reminder that most of us flit, like butterflies, from blog to blog, shying away from older and longer stuff.

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A study of the statistics of a web news portal indicates that most visits take place within 36 hours. An article reporting on the study asks if it, the article, will "have typical time history, or might it get picked up by popular blogs and given a new lease of life?"

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A group working on embryonic stem cells claims to have created cells that would not be rejected by the immune response, by combining existing stem cells (from a Bush-approved line) with adult cells. If such cells really have stem cell properties, and really are immunologically compatible with the adult human used, this would eliminate much of the ethical objection to using embryonic stem cells.

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Rebecca Writes has a post (with the possibility of contributions from others, at least for a few days) on God's Sovereignty.

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Candice has a list of things she wants to do or be. A very good list.

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One side of an argument with Michael Behe (it has a link to the other side), claiming to have demolished one of Behe's prime examples of irreducible Complexity (IC).

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The BBC will be offering all nine of Beethoven's Symphonies for free download. Some are already available.

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The latest Christian Carnival is here.

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